Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time For Play

There are many studies out that show how play is extremely important for children's development.

I am here to share that play is extremely important for EVERYONE'S development.

The idea that we stop developing is a theory that I do not subscribe to. We develop as long as we are open to it. As long as we continue to try new things, take new risks, and explore our universe, we will develop our minds, bodies and spirits.

It is only when you decide you know it all.
It is only when you decide you are too old to learn.

It is only when you decide you are too tired to do anything new.

It is only when you decide...

So for today, I ask that you RISK everything you have planned for the day and PLAY!

Play like a child without worry or guilt and explore what happens when you stop living life by the rules YOU have created.

Have a blessed day!

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